The Judges Said:
Leading Architectural Builders Limited’s renovation is “intriguing, functional, and quirky in the true sense of the word.”
“Exhibiting an outstanding example of construction skills in all respects, this Queenstown home sits proudly in the rolling countryside of Crown Terrace.
“An incredibly difficult renovation, the builder managed to replace all roof trusses in the rear half of the home without disturbing the roof line or cladding, as well as transforming one room and adding two more. This renovation is a beautifully crafted response to the needs of the client, seamlessly encapsulating and retaining the existing character of the home.”

McCallum Sharp and his company LAB were engaged by me at the suggestion of Mare Scaife to do the renovation and conversion of the barn at Sofeffey Road. The work started in January and nearly completed.
I have been involved for 40 years with builders doing buildings and houses in England mostly but also in New Zealand, Spain and Jamaica.
I could not recommend McCallum more highly- his standard of work, the quality of his team, his attention to detail, his attitude to the job and the general tidiness of the building site - all very a sure standard.
For most of the build I have actually been living in the building, which normally would be an unpleasant experience. However, in this instance it has been made a really sound experience.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information.
Hennretta Bedford.
Henrietta Dowager, Dutchess of Bedford.