Leading Architectural Builders is proud to be well accredited to give you peace of mind and assurance that no short cuts are being taken.

Site Safe assists construction businesses to improve their health and safety culture; to control hazards and reduce injuries - that's been their goal since 1999. Site Safe is membership based, not-for-profit, and our services cater to the entire construction and related industries. Their nationwide team of health and safety professionals offer safety systems, training, consultancy, audits, resources, information and more.

The Registered Master Builders brand is a recognised hallmark of quality. If you're building or renovating, you can be sure that LAB, registered Master Builders, are qualified and experienced builders who take pride the quality of their workmanship.
Master Builders have been around since 1892 and they are proud of their heritage.
Master Builders are represented regionally by 22 local Associations which enables them to have all the necessary checks and balances available on the ground to ensure that our members remain the ‘best of the best’ in the industry. This also ensures that registered Master Builders are provided local support and networking opportunities to share best practice with their peers, which in turn, filters down to their clients’ building projects.

In November 2007 the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) (formerly Department of Building and Housing) established the licensed building practitioner scheme under the Building Act 2004.
This scheme sets out a regulated process where skilled and/or qualified building practitioners must demonstrate their ability to meet industry consulted competencies in order to obtain the status of being LBPs.
Leading Architectural Builders is proud to be a LBP.